How do I create a new student application template?
How do I create a new student application template?
1. Navigate to the Application management page
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Application Templates
4. Click on New
5. Enter a name for the Application
This will be shown to the student applicants when logging in to fill out their applications
6. Add a passcode (optional)
If you add a passcode, the student will be required to input the passcode in order to fill out the application. This allows you to create application templates that are invite only.
7. Add a description
This is also shown to the student so they have more information about each template available to them and help them determine which application(s) they should complete.
8. Choose a Guardian Approval Form
After the student fills out the application, a PDF copy of the application details will be appended to this approval form and it will be sent out to the guardian for approval.
9. Choose a start date (optional)
If you want the template to be available immediately, you can leave this blank. If you want to build a template and it not be available to students until a specific date, you would put that date in here.
10. Add an application soft deadline
This soft deadline will simply alert the applicant that they should have already filled out the application but you're still accepting new late applications.
11. Add a soft deadline warning message
If an applicant is filling out an application that has lapsed the soft deadline date, the message you enter here will be shown to the applicant.
12. Choose an application deadline
This is the hard deadline of the application. After this date, the application will no longer show in the list of available applications to fill out.
13. Choose a Minimum Applicant Grade Level
When the applicant fills out the application, this will restrict the current grade level drop-down box.
14. Choose a Maximum Applicant Grade Level
When the applicant fills out the application, this will restrict the current grade level drop-down box.
15. Choose the Number of Classes Applicants Can Select
When an applicant is filling out the application, this is used to determine how many classes you want the applicant to select. The maximum value for this option is 6.
16. Choose the Required Number of Classes
Although you may allow the user to select up to 6 classes, you may only want to require them to select 3. If this were the case, you'd enter 3 here.
17. Enter a Current Grade Level Description
The value entered here will be used in place of the "Current Grade Level" label when an applicant is filling out the application. If you leave this blank, it will show "Current Grade Level". An example of why you'd want to specify a custom label here is to prevent confusion of what current grade level means. Some students may interpret this as the current grade level they would be when they get accepted while others may interpret it as the actual current grade level (which is the correct answer). If this application is to place students for the 2024-2025 school year, you may want to set the label to "Grade Level During 2023-2024 School Year".
18. Enter a Message to Applicants Before Starting Their Application
This message will show up as an alert at the top of the page of the first step when the applicant goes to fill out the application.
19. Enter a Message to Applicants After Completing Their Application
This message will be shown to student who have completed their application and sent out the guardian approval form. If you leave this blank, it will default to a generic message letting the applicant know they've completed the application.
20. Enter a Message to Applicants On the Class Selection Screen
This message will be shown at the top of the page when they make it to the step where they select their classes.
21. Choose specific classes (optional)
If you only want students to be able to apply for a subset of classes, not all of the classes your school offers.
22. Choose Custom Questions
Choose the custom questions that you'd like to ask the applicant. You must configure these custom questions ahead of time. For more information about creating custom questions, check out this article:
23. Choose the Rubrics you'll use to score this application
For more information about creating rubrics, check out this article:
24. Choose Counselor Information
Choose the counselor information that you'd like to get from the sending school after the applicant finishes their application. For more information about creating counselor information, check out this article:
25. Choose a Sort Order
This value can be used to determine which order you'd like the application template options to show up to the applicant. So if you want this to be the first one, you can set it to 1 and make sure all other templates have a sort order greater than 1. Or if you want it to be last, you can set it to 99 and make sure all other template sort orders are less than 99.
26. Choose if you want to Hide Secondary Guardian
We ask for a second guardian by default. If you don't want to ask for a second guardian's information, check this box.
27. Choose if you want to Hide Additional Guardian / Emergency Contact 1
We ask for emergency contacts by default. If you don't want to ask for the 1st emergency contact, check this box.
28. Choose if you want to Hide Additional Guardian / Emergency Contact 2
We ask for emergency contacts by default. If you don't want to ask for the 2nd emergency contact, check this box.
29. Choose if you want to require Contact Address
By default, we don't require the student to add an address for each contact (guardian, secondary guardian, emergency contact 1, and emergency contact 2). If you want this to be required, check this box.
30. Choose if you want to require Contact Resides With
By default, we don't require the student to specify if they reside with each contact (guardian, secondary guardian, emergency contact 1, and emergency contact 2). If you want this to be required, check this box.
31. Choose if you want to require Gender
By default, we don't require specifying a gender when validating an application. If you'd like this to be required, check this box.
32. Choose if you want to require Race
By default, we don't require specifying a race when validating an application. If you'd like this to be required, check this box.
33. Choose if you want to require Ethnicity
By default, we don't require specifying an ethnicity when validating an application. If you'd like this to be required, check this box.
34. Finally, click save
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