How do I create counselor information that I want to request from the sending school for student applications?
How do I create counselor information that I want to request from the sending school for student applications?
1. Navigate to the Applications management page
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on Counselor Information
4. Click on New
5. Choose a name for the counselor information
Examples would be IEP, GPA, State Student ID, etc.
6. Choose a type
File Upload - Allow the counselor to upload a file
Multiple Choice - After choosing this option, a new field will appear directly below this one asking you to enter the options you'd like the counselor to choose from. When you click into the options field, start typing to add your options.
Multiple Choice (Multiple Select) - This is exactly like Multiple Choice except the counselor can choose more than one option.
Text Area (WYSIWYG) - This will allow the counselor to enter a lot of text. So if you want them to type a paragraph, this is the option you'd want to choose.
Text - This will allow the counselor to type a small amount of text
Yes/No - The counselor will be able to choose yes or no
7. Specify Directions
If you want to give the counselor information about how they should enter the data or what you're specifically asking for, you can add the directions here
8. Choose a Sort Order
This is a numeric value used to change the order of the questions when the counselor is answering them
9. Choose if the information can be flagged for review by application admins
If this is checked, an admin can flag the question for review. This will notify the counselor that there may be an issue with the submission and ask them to correct it.
10. Choose if you'd like this information to be required
11. Click on Save
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