
How do I provide user accounts in onboarding?

How do I provide user accounts in onboarding?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 3 months ago

1. Click on User Accounts

2. Create your Application Admin Accounts

Application admins are any uses that should have full access to everything in the software. These users will be able to see all information for all schools, classes, students, etc.

To create a new application admin, click on the "New" button to the right above the admin table. Use this article to better understand how to create an Application Admin:

If you're unsure if a user should be an Application Admin or a staff user, reference this article:

3. Click on Staff Accounts

Staff accounts are used for any user in the system that is not a teacher, student, guardian, etc. Typically, staff users have access to other modules that a teacher would not have access to by default or if they need access to see more students than just one class or even one school. For more information about what a staff user is, reference this article:

A good example for creating a staff user would be a Work-Based Learning Coordinator or a School Counselor. You will need to select the appropriate roles for the user when creating the account. Here is how you create a staff user:

If you're unsure if a user should be an Application Admin or a staff user, reference this article:

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