How do I hold an Advisory Board meeting?
How do I hold an Advisory Board meeting?
How do I hold an Advisory Board meeting?
How can I get a list of all advisory board members and the last time they attended an activity/meeting?
Can I easily make calendar events for my Advisory Board Activities?
When can notes be taken on an advisory board activity?
How do I send communications to all advisory board members across all advisory boards?
Can I generate or upload a sign-in sheet for advisory board activities?
How do I schedule a new meeting/activity for an advisory board?
Will my advisory board members get reminders about an advisory board activity?
How can I view or resend an Advisory Board Meeting invitation? Sometimes, email sent from the application may get marked as SPAM. As a workaround, you may want to copy the content of the email message and try to send it from your own email client. This article will show how to view an email meeting invitation sent from the system to advisory board members and how to copy the invitation content to resend from your own email account.
Sometimes, email sent from the application may get marked as SPAM. As a workaround, you may want to copy the content of the email message and try to send it from your own email client. This article will show how to view an email meeting invitation sent from the system to advisory board members and how to copy the invitation content to resend from your own email account.
Can all of my attachments and form submissions be printed with the agenda in one big PDF?
This article explains how to create an agenda for an advisory board meeting.