How to create an advisory board meeting agenda?
This article explains how to create an agenda for an advisory board meeting.
Advisory board meeting agendas can be uploaded into the system with the support of the onboarding team or built as they are needed within the application. This article will show the step up step directions for creating Agenda Templates.
1. Click Advisory Board in the navigation menu of your application
2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the Advisory Boards management window
3. Click Agenda Templates in the expanded list
4. Click New in the Agendas window to create a new agenda
Any existing agenda can be edited using the action button next to any agenda in the list.
5. Create a name for the agenda template and click Add Agenda to save.
Copy From: If you would like to use an existing agenda template you can select one from the Copy From dropdown. The agenda can be edited as explained in the steps that follow.
Teacher Category Restricted: If checked, teachers will not be able to add, edit, or remove categories form the agenda.
After clicking Add Agenda, the name of the agenda will appear in the Agenda list window.
6. To edit the agenda / build categories and items click the action button next to the agenda in the list as shown in the "Test" agenda below.
7. Click Build in the expanded list
8. A blank agenda will open in a new window. To create a new category click Add New Category
9. Give the category a name and click Save
Read Only: When clicked, this category will not be able to be changed by users of the agenda template.
10. To create activities/items within a category click Add New Item
11. Complete the fields in the window that appear to create activities/items. Click Save to save the item to the agenda category
Name the item or activity (i.e., Welcome, Vote, Review Previous Meeting Minutes, etc..)
Description: Describe the item as needed.
Read-Only: When this is clicked, users will not be permitted to make changes to the item.
Protected: When this is clicked, users will not be able to delete the item or change its name.
Protect Form Template: When this is clicked, users will not be able to change the form template.
Full Access Users: Select users who you wish to not be restricted by the security choices made above. Any users listed in this field will be able to change the form.
Attachments: Any documents for the advisory boards to review during the meetings can be attached using the Choose Files button.
Form Template: Any form templates housed within the application that need to be completed during the advisory board meeting can be connected to the agenda here.
Repeat adding categories and items as needed to complete the building of your agenda.
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