
How do I create a follow-up study questionnaire?

How do I create a follow-up study questionnaire?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 23 days ago

1. Navigate to the follow-up study module

2. Click on Settings

3. Click on Questionnaires

4. Click on New

5. Choose a name for the questionnaire

6. Specify a starting graduation year

All students with this graduation year or greater will use this questionnaire.

7. Choose an ending graduation years

All students between the starting and ending graduation years will use the questionnaire. If you choose not to specify an ending graduation year, this questionnaire will be used indefinitely.

8. Choose the month that you'd like the pre-graduation questionnaire to go out in

This will be the month of the graduation school year that the pre-graduation questionnaire will be sent out.

9. Choose the month that you'd like the post-graduation questionnaire to go out

This will be the month in which the post-graduation questionnaire will be sent out. For more information about how this is calculated, see this article:

10. How often to remind the student to complete the pre and post graduation questionnaires

Specify the number of days you'd like to wait between questionnaire reminders.

11. Specify the number of times you'd like to remind the student to fill out the questionnaire

Choose the number of times you'd like the system to remind the student to fill out the questionnaires.

12. Specify how many years after graduation you'd like to ask the student to complete the post-graduation questionnaire

For more information about how we calculate when those will go out, see this article:

13. Specify a pre-graduation questionnaire subject

This will be the subject line of the email that goes out to the student for the pre-graduation questionnaire notification.

14. Specify a pre-graduation questionnaire body

This will be in the body of the email sent to the student asking them to complete the pre-graduation questionnaire.

15. Specify a post-graduation questionnaire subject

This will be the subject line of the email that goes out to the student for the post-graduation questionnaire notification.

16. Specify a post-graduation questionnaire body

This will be in the body of the email sent to the student asking them to complete the post-graduation questionnaire.

17. Choose the questions you'd like to be asked on the questionnaire

For more information about how to create questions, see this article:

You will have the opportunity to change the order of the questions by using the arrows to the left of the questions and specify a code for the question. This code will be used for reporting.

18. Choose if you'd like the pre-graduation questionnaire to be disabled

When disabled, we will not ask the student to complete the pre-graduation questionnaire.

19. Choose if you'd like the post-graduation questionnaire to be disabled

When disabled, we will not ask the student to complete the post-graduation questionnaire.

20. Choose if you'd only like to ask for the post-graduation questionnaire if the pre-graduation questionnaire is completed

If this box is checked, we will only ask the student to complete the post-graduation questionnaire if they completed a pre-graduation questionnaire.

21. Choose if your questionnaire is finalized

We will not send out any notifications to complete questionnaires until the questionnaire is finalized. Once finalized, we will start sending out questionnaire notifications when necessary.

22. Click on Add Follow Up Questionnaire

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