Articles on: Users and Groups

What are staff users used for and what roles can be assigned to them?

What are Staff users?

By default, the Staff user type currently has read-only access to most areas of the application. However, by assigning Roles to these accounts, administrators can grant these users more privileges.

How are Staff users created?

To create a new Staff account, select Users & Groups from the navigation menu and then click on the New button. Enter a first name, last name, username, and password. Email address is optional if Single Sign On (SSO) is not in use, but it is highly recommended to include this as well, especially if you plan on having this user sign digital forms.

There are two options that can be used to restrict this user's access to other schools within the application (shown below).

Checking the Access to All Schools box will provide the user with access to any school in your CTE-360/Jobready WBL instance.

If you just want the user to have access to certain schools, you can click into the Schools box and search for and select the appropriate schools.

There are two options that can be used to restrict this user's access to other CTE programs within the application (shown below).

If the Can Deselect Class option is selected, the user will be able to view school-wide settings that are shown in some areas of the application when no class is selected.

You can also allow the user access to all classes or limit the classes they are permitted to view by using the second option.

What are Roles?

Click here to view all available roles

Updated on: 10/09/2024

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