Articles on: Follow-Up Study

How do I use the follow-up study module?

1. Navigate to the follow-up study module

2. Configure your follow-up studies

For information about how to set up questions, see here:

For information about how to set up questionnaires, see here:

3. Choose the graduation year of students you'd like to see follow-up study information about

4. Pre-Questionnaire Status Pie Chart

The pre-questionnaire pie chart will tell you how many students of each pre-questionnaire status there are in the selected graduation year. If you'd like to filter the students down by a particular status, simply click the slice to filter it down.

To Be Sent - the questionnaire still needs to be sent out

Sent - the questionnaire has been sent but not yet opened

Opened - the questionnaire has been sent out and opened by the student

Never Completed - the student never completed the questionnaire and they are now unenrolled or graduated

Complete - the student completed the questionnaire

Not Required - the questionnaire is not required

5. Post-Questionnaire Status Pie Chart

The post-questionnaire pie chart will tell you how many students of each post-questionnaire status there are in the selected graduation year. If you'd like to filter the students down by a particular status, simply click the slice to filter it down.

Contact Not Set - the post-graduation contact information needs set for the student

Pending - the pre-graduation questionnaire needs to be completed before the post-graduation status can be evaluated

To Be Sent - the questionnaire still needs to be sent out

Sent - the questionnaire was sent to the student but was not yet opened

Opened - the questionnaire was opened by the student

Never Completed - the questionnaire is set up to require the pre-graduation questionnaire but the student never completed it

Complete - the student completed the questionnaire

Not Required - the questionnaire is not required

6. Post-Graduation Contact Information

This pie chart will show you how many students need contact information added or not. You can also click on the slices of this chart to filter down the list of students.

Needs Added - the student still needs to specify post-graduation contact information or someone needs to add it for them

Set - the post-graduation contact information has been specified for the student

Not Needed - The system does not need the post-graduation information

7. Student list

Below the pie charts, you will see the list of students and their follow-up study statuses.

8. Force Send Pre-Questionnaire

In order to force send a pre-graduation questionnaire, the pre-graduation questionnaire must be enabled and the pre-questionnaire must not have already been sent. This action will force the questionnaire to go out to the student even if it is not yet time for it to go out.

9. Force Send Post-Questionnaire

In order to force send a post-graduation questionnaire, the post-graduation questionnaire must be enabled, the post-questionnaire must not have already been sent, and the pre-questionnaire must be finished or the student must be unenrolled. This action will force the questionnaire to go out to the student even if it is not yet time for it to go out.

Updated on: 11/03/2024

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