
What is Work-Based Learning (WBL) Eligibility used for?

What is Work-Based Learning (WBL) Eligibility used for?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

Work-Based Learning Eligibility

Work-based learning eligibility is used to allow students to become eligible to participate in WBL experiences. Students will upload their resume and complete required forms used to decide if they should qualify to partake or not. After students upload their required documentation, you will be able to evaluate the student's submissions and qualify them based on custom criteria set up by your school. Examples of common criteria items are Attendance, GPA, etc. This will allow you to keep track of which students meet all of the requirements for WBL and are already pre-qualified to participate in experiences.

After students are eligible, the students will be able to search through nearby opportunities and even apply for those opportunities directly through the system. They will be able to create their own email content to apply with and the system will automatically attach their resume to the application.

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