
What information does the Total Hours By WBL Type give me?

What information does the Total Hours By WBL Type give me?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 25 days ago

1. Navigate to the reports page

2. Click on the WBL tab

3. Click on Total Hours By WBL Type

4. Filter your results

5. Available columns

  • Student First Name

  • Student Middle Name

  • Student Last Name

  • Grade Level

  • SIS Number

  • State Number

  • Email

  • Status

  • Continuum (Michigan Only)

  • Next you will have two columns for each WBL type to provide the student's work log and pay stub hours

  • Total Event Hours

  • Total Project Hours

  • Total Pay Stub Hours

  • Total Work Log Hours

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