
What information does the Student-Based Experience Report give me?

What information does the Student-Based Experience Report give me?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 25 days ago

1. Navigate to the reports page

2. Click on the Careers tab

3. Click on Student-Based Experience Export

4. Filter your results

You can specify a date range of experiences you'd like to retrieve or filter them down by tag. You can also choose the columns that you'd like to be included in the report.

5. Available columns

  • Employer Business Name

  • Employer Industry

  • Employer Address 1

  • Employer Address 2

  • Employer City

  • Employer State

  • Employer Zip

  • Employer Contact Name

  • Employer Contact Title

  • Employer Email

  • Employer Work Phone

  • Employer Cell Phone

  • Student First Name

  • Student Last Name

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student SIS Number

  • Student Email

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • WBL Coordinator Assigned

  • WBL Type

  • WBL General Type

  • Job Title

  • Pay Stub Hours

  • Work Log Hours

  • Hourly Rate

  • Gross Pay

  • Sending School

  • School

  • Course/Class

  • Section

  • Teacher

  • Special Education

  • IEP

  • Is Archived

  • Is Complete

  • Non-Traditional

  • Economically Disadvantaged

  • Notes

  • Tags

  • Working Days: S,M,T,W,Th,F,S

  • Termination Reason

  • Work Log Count: This is a fairly good indicator of working days as long as students aren't entering more than one work log per day.

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