How to set up a Project-Based Work-Based Learning (WBL) Type?
How to set up a Project-Based Work-Based Learning (WBL) Type?
1. Navigate to the Work-Based Learning Module
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on WBL Types
4. Click on New to create a new WBL type
5. Enter the name of your Project-Based WBL type
Some examples could be School-Based Enterprise, Student Store, Service Learning, etc.
6. Add a general description of the type
7. Choose which schools have access to the type
If school selections are not enabled in your instance, you will not see this setting.
8. Choose if only specific coordinators should have access
9. Choose if only specific classes should have access
10. Choose Project Based
11. Choose any enrollment forms you'd like to be required by students with Project hours
Enrollment forms are only required once a student has hours assigned to the project. Students that don't yet have hours, will not be required to complete enrollment forms.
12. Choose any forms that you want to be optional for students in the project
13. Specify any custom fields you'd like to be required when entering hours for a student's day of work
14. Specify the maximum hours allowed per day per student
This primarily acts as validation for the hours entered into a project to prevent people from accidentally entering more hours than they meant to. For instance, prevent a user from putting 30 hours instead of 3 hours.
15. Choose the General WBL Type associated with this type
16. Finally, click Add WBL Type
17. After closing out of the WBL Type management window, Click on the new Project-Based tab that you just added
The tab will have the name of the type that you entered in Step 5.
18. Click on Manage Roles to configure Roles (optional)
19. Click on New to add a new role
20. Enter a name of the role
Example roles could be electrician, carpenter, programmer, plumber, cashier, etc.
21. Choose a color
When you assign a role to hours for a student, the cell for those hours will turn the color selected here. This is just a means of easily differentiating who did what for the day at a glance by looking at the grid.
22. Click on Add Role
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