
How do students upload a pay stub?

Allowing students to upload pay stubs on their own.

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 25 days ago

Once logged in, the student will click on “Documents” found in the menu on the left side of the screen and click on the "Pay Stub" navigation item. After clicking on “Pay Stub”, the student will see all of their pay stubs, the status of approval, and validation that tells them if the pay stub hours match the work logs submitted in the system for that pay period. To add a new pay stub, the student will click on the new button in the top right corner of the screen.

After clicking “New” the student will choose their WBL Experience from the drop-down menu. (Most students will only have one option here, but some may have multiple).

Now the student can use the drop-down calendar to enter the start and end dates of the pay period related to the pay stub they are uploading.

Next, the student can add the number of hours they worked in the pay period.

Next, the student will use the drop-down calendar to enter the date that they were paid. (Note: if you already have a pay stub for this experience and pay date, it will not let you add another to prevent duplication)

Now the student needs to upload their pay stub. The student will click the choose file button and then choose their pay stub document from their computer. The document that the student uploads must be an image or a PDF file. Once uploaded, the title of the document will appear next to the choose file button. Only one file is able to be uploaded.

Finally, the student can add any notes related to this pay stub. Then, they will click "Add Pay Stub" to save the pay stub record and send it out for the Work-Based Learning coordinator to approve.

If the student forgets to fill out one of the required fields, they will receive an error message indicating what they need to enter before they are able to submit their pay stub.

When the pay stub is submitted it will take the student back to the pay stub table. The new entry will now show at the top of the history list with a status of pending approval. The student will now wait for the WBL Coordinator to approve/reject the entry. They can also see if the number of hours specified for the pay stub matches the number of hours the student put on the work log within that pay period to double-check that the hours and work logs were entered correctly.

If the entry is rejected by the WBL Coordinator, the student will receive a notification. Notifications appear on the home screen in the upper right corner. A student can check their notifications by clicking on the bell symbol. The WBL Coordinator will identify what is wrong with the submitted documentation and the student will have the opportunity to fix what is wrong and re-submit the pay stub.

The entry will show as rejected on the pay stub page until corrected and accepted. If the WBL Coordinator accepts the pay stub, the status will change from pending approval to approved and no further action is needed on the student's behalf.

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