
How do I submit forms in bulk for Work-Based Learning?

How do I submit forms in bulk for Work-Based Learning?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

1. Navigate to the Work-Based Learning module

Once there, click on the tab that you'd like to send out bulk forms for

2. Click on Bulk

3. Click on Form Submissions

4. Click on New

5. Choose the type of form you want to send in bulk

  • Enrollment & Completion - Only forms that have not been submitted of that template type for an experience will show up in the list. No duplicates will be created.

  • Recurring - All forms of the selected template type will show up in the bulk list even if they are not "due" to be submitted again. You can use the date filters to filter down which forms you'd like to send out.

6. Choose the template you'd like to submit in bulk

7. If you choose "Currently Active", it will filter the bulk form list to active WBL Experiences

8. Filter by started before

Any experience that started before the specified date

9. Filter by started after

Any experiences that started after this date

10. Filter by ended before

Any experiences that ended before this date

11. Filter by ended after

Any experience that ended after this date

12. When you're done, click save to open the bulk form list based on your criteria

13. You will see a list of forms that need submitted here

14. You can still submit them individually by clicking the "Submit" button under each group of signers

15. To submit all of them in bulk, click submit all

Prior to doing this, you can select signers in the list and skip signers you'd like to skip and it will honor those settings when you click submit all.

16. You can also "omit" particular experience's forms from going out by clicking the X in the top right corner of the group of signers you'd like to omit

17. After clicking "Submit all", you will see your most recent bulk submission record in the bulk submission table

From here you will be able to see how many forms are waiting to be processed, how many failed to go out, and how many were successful. You can also click on the action button next to the bulk submission record and click "Correct Failed Submissions" to fix the ones that did not go out correctly.

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