How do I run a report to show all WBL event attendance information and custom field responses?
How do I run a report to show all WBL event attendance information and custom field responses?
Written by Cam KolickLast update 2 months ago
1. Navigate to the Reports page
2. Click on the Careers / WBL tab
3. Click on Event-Based Experience Detail
4. Filter your results by WBL type, start on, and/or end on
5. Click on Generate
6. After the report reaches 100%, click on the action button
7. Click on Download
The columns returned will be the following:
WBL Type
WBL Generic Type
Event Name
End Hours
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student Grade Level
Student SIS Number
Student Email
Created By
Created On
All Custom Fields configured to be filled out during registration or attendance
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