How do I enable and configure Work-Based Learning (WBL) Eligibility?
How do I enable and configure Work-Based Learning (WBL) Eligibility?
1. Navigate to the Work-Based Learning Module
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on WBL Eligibility
4. Check the box for "Is Enabled" in order to turn on eligibility
5. If eligibility is enabled, select if you'd like students to still be able to search opportunities before they are deemed eligible
This will allow students to search through and apply to job opportunities before they are eligible.
6. If students can search without eligibility, specify which opportunity types you'd like them to see
If you don't choose any opportunity types here, they will be able to see all opportunities before becoming eligible. If you'd like students to only be able to see Job Shadows and Guest Speakers prior to being eligible, you'd select those two types here. Once a student is deemed eligible, they will see all opportunity types.
7. Choose a minimum grade level
If you leave this field blank, there will not be a grade level restriction for eligibility.
8. Specify any forms you want to require students to complete in order to be eligible
9. Click on Save to save your enabled status and required forms
10. Additional Templates
If you have multiple schools in your instance, you can use the additional templates section to specify any forms that you'd like to be required at specific schools. Only students from these schools will be required to complete them. This is unlike the forms specified above which are required by all schools in the system.
11. To change a specific schools required forms, click the action buttons beside the school you'd like to set up
12. Click on Edit
13. Choose the templates you'd like to be required for this school
14. Click on Save
15. Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility criteria is used to specify any items that your school requires for a student to be allowed to participate in WBL experiences. Examples are attendance, GPA, etc. These will be used when you're approving students that are applying for eligibility.
16. To create a new eligibility criteria, click on new
17. Fill out the title of the criteria you'd like to add. (i.e. Attendance, GPA))
18. Click on Add Criteria
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