How do I add a Skill Set to a student experience?
This article explains the ways that a skill set can be added to a student's WBL experience.
Written by Allyson SauterLast update 6 days ago
There are two ways to add a Skill Set to a student experience. The first is to add the skill set when creating the experience. The second way is to add it to an existing student experience.
1. Navigate to the Work-Based Learning module in your Jobready or CTE application.
2. When creating a new student experience a skill set can be selected using the Skill Sets selector as shown below.
In our example, we selected a skill set that has been created for a Culinary Arts program.
1. If a student experience has already been created, click on the bar under the student name in the Work-Based Learning management window as shown below.
Note: For a bar to appear under a student name, Skill Tracking must be checked in the WBL Type.
2. Click Add from Skill Set
3. Click on the Skill Set Type you want to associate with the student.
You can select if you are associating a Skill Set, building one from ONet, or from an existing Task List.
4. Click Save after the Skill Set has been selected.
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