
What are task lists?

Information about task lists and how they are used.

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

Task lists are comprised of the competencies/tasks that you expect students to master and the units, or duty areas, that these tasks are organized in.

What are the different types of task lists?

In CTE-360, there are three types of task lists. They are School, State, and Schoolwide.

  1. School. School task lists contain all tasks that are being assessed in a CTE program. This includes all POS tasks and all additional tasks added to the system. Additional tasks are often those recommended by Occupational Advisory Committees or new tasks associated with industry certifications that are not included in the POS. These tasks are what will appear in the Student Progress - Tasks view for teachers to use when assessing students.

  2. State. If a class has state-mandated task lists, they will be shown on the State tab. CTE-360 uses the CIP Code in Class Settings to determine which state task lists will be shown for a particular class. These are included in the application and cannot be created from within CTE-360. If you do not see the correct state task list listed for your program, please contact us via live chat in bottom right corner.

  3. Schoolwide. Some schools choose to create task lists that can be shared across all CTE programs when there are tasks, such as those related to career readiness, that are common to all classes.

Why are there different types of task lists?

Due to the nature of how State Task Lists (POS's) are revised and published, School Task Lists are in place to be the constant. This allows teachers to assess students that are assigned to two different State Task Lists, for example Graduation Years 2019-2021 and Graduation Years 2022-2024, in one location. When the State Task List changes due to revision, CTE-360 automatically aligns all State and School tasks that are identical in language. If there are new State Tasks, teachers can create a new School Task to align with it.

Can I print or download a blank task list?

You can generate a blank task list by clicking on the Blank Task List button. This will create a PDF version of the task list that you can print if desired.

Can multiple classes share the same task list?

Yes, you can assign multiple classes to the same school task list by clicking on the green plus sign next to Classes Using This Task List. State task lists may be shared among multiple classes if those classes are assigned the same CIP Code in Class Settings. Schoolwide task lists are shared with all classes so this setting is not shown for them.

Can graduation years be assigned to task lists?

For each type of task list, you can define the graduation years assigned to it by clicking on the green plus sign next to Graduation Years.

How can I determine if I have a lesson plan for tasks?

As tasks are assigned to lesson plans, you will see an icon to the right of each task that indicates the number of lesson plans that it is included in.

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