
How do I create and edit a new task list?

How do I create and edit a new task list?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

You create a new school or schoolwide task list by clicking on the Add Version button or by using the Clone button on the State task list tab. Add Version gives you the option of creating an empty task list or copying content from an existing task list. If you would like to use a state task list as a template for a new school task list, you can use the Clone button on the State tab. Please make sure that you have the correct graduation year selected before clicking the Clone button. To distinguish the cloned school task list from the state units and tasks, you may want to add a prefix to all the cloned items before clicking Yes.

How do I rename a task list?

You can rename a task list using the Edit Name button.

How do I add, edit, or remove tasks or units?

Finalize/Un-Finalize. To make changes to tasks or units, the task list must not be Finalized. This a mechanism to prevent accidental changes. If a task list is finalized, there will be an Un-Finalize button. Otherwise, you'll have a button labeled Finalize. Note that only Administrators or Staff users with the appropriate permissions can Un-Finalize a task list.

Creating New Units. Once a task list is in edit mode, buttons to Add New Units and Add New Tasks will be visible. To add a new unit, click the respective button, enter the unit name (including a Unit Code, if desired), and click Submit. New units will be added to the bottom of the task list. Units can be rearranged by clicking and dragging them.

Creating New Tasks. To add a new task, click the Add New Task button under the appropriate unit. A new task will be added as the last task but it can be rearranged by clicking and dragging as well. When creating a new task, you will be presented with a number of fields. Of these, only the Task Code and Task fields are required.

Why can't I edit state task lists?

Since state task lists are released by the Department of Education or other authoritative entity, CTE-360 does not permit changes to state tasks or units. If you notice an error in a state task list or require a change, please contact Eduready360 Support.

Task Fields

When creating a new task, you will see a number of options. You can also edit these settings by hovering over a task, clicking on the action button (three dots), and selecting the Edit option.

Conditions & Criteria. Default values for conditions and/or criteria can be set for tasks at the school or class level and overridden on an individual basis. These are used to generate Performance Objectives and can be accessed by clicking the Objectives button.

Task Weight. By default, all tasks have a weight of 1 assigned to them. This gives all tasks an equal weight. Weighting is used when multiple school or schoolwide tasks are aligned to state tasks. For example, you might have two school tasks that are related to a state task list, but Task A may be more closely related to the state task than Task B. Task A may also require much more effort to master. In this instance, you may want to weight Task A higher and leave Task B set to the default value. CTE-360 automatically calculates the task performance of state tasks using the weighted average of the grades assigned to each aligned school or schoolwide task.

Status. School and schoolwide tasks can be marked as Optional, Required, or Archived. By default, all tasks are set to Required. Setting a task as Optional is useful when you do not want certain tasks to show on a printed task list. There are settings in Global Settings that determine whether Optional tasks are shown on reports. You can also Archive a task if you wish for it to be removed from Student Progress as well. If a student already has a grade assigned to a task, it will be shown on reports. Otherwise, it will be hidden.

Rubrics. For each grade scale range defined in Grade Scale Settings, there will be a corresponding text field to enter a description of the requirements to meet that proficiency level.

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