
Can I migrate task progress from one task list to a new task list?

Can I migrate task progress from one task list to a new task list?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

Task progress can be migrated from one school task list to another. There are two ways that the system can determine if a task from one task list can be migrated to a task on another task list.

  1. The names' of the tasks must match completely

  2. The task must be aligned with the other school task directly

NOTE: we also do not duplicate the task progress if there is already a grade entered for that particular student's task to prevent overwriting a legitimate grade.

1. Navigate to the task list management page

2. Choose the source task list from the select box

You will want to choose the task list that has task progress on it.

3. Click on Migrate Task Progress

If you don't see this button, you don't have access to migrate task list progress.

4. Choose the destination task list

This will be the task list that you want the task progress to be duplicated to

5. Click on Yes

6. When it's complete, you will receive an alert

You can see all of your alerts by clicking see more in the notification drop down when clicking on alerts in the navigation bar at the top.

7. When it's complete, you will see it in your list of alerts

You will need to refresh the page occasionally to refresh the alerts. When it's complete, it will tell you how many tasks that matched failed to be inserted and how many tasks that matched were successfully duplicated. If less matched up and migrated than you anticipated, be sure that the tasks are aligned directly together and that there are grades for the tasks in question.

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