
How do I configure and send notifications to applicants for acceptance, rejection, and waitlists?

This article explains how to configure and send applicants acceptance, rejection, and waitlist notifications.

John Lohr
Written by John LohrLast update 2 months ago

1. Click on Settings

2. Click on Application Templates

3. Click on 3 dots.

4. Click on Edit

Configure the Notification Messages

5. Use codes to include dynamic content.

You can use the following options to insert dynamic fields that will be replaced with the information specified.

%placement% : The name of the Program that the student was placed in.

%placement_comments% : The comments adding using the steps shown below.

%school_name% : The name of the school that the applicant applied to.

%first_name% " Applicant's first name.

%last_name% : Applicant's last name.

%full_name% : Applicant's first and last name.

6. Enter the Acceptance Message

7. Enter the Waitlist Message

8. Enter the Rejection Message

9. Click on Save Changes

Add Placement Comments

10. Click on the 3 dots

11. Click on Placement

12. Enter any Comments to show in Notifications

Send Notification Emails to Applicants

1. Click on Notify Applicants

2. To send Acceptance Notifications, select this option

3. If would like to only send acceptance notifications for specific Programs, select those

4. To send Waitlist Notifications, select this option

5. To send Rejection Notifications, select this option

6. Click on Notify to send Notification emails to students and primary guardians

7. Notifications will be sent

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