
How do I configure my components in professionalism?

All details about creating components and assigning values in the professionalism module.

Allyson Sauter
Written by Allyson SauterLast update 3 months ago

Some CTE programs evaluate professional skills at regular intervals, similar to an employee review, and include that evaluation in the final grades. Here are the steps to set components and set values for each component. Once components and values are created students can be graded individually, in groups, or in bulk.

How to create professionalism components

1. Click on Student Progress in the navigation menu.

2. Click on Professionalism

3. Click on Components in the Professionalism window

4. Click on New in the Professionalism Components window

5. Give the component a name

For example: Safety, Attitude, Appearance, etc.

6. Select how the component will be scored and click Add Professional Component

If Score is selected, you will be prompted to set a Max Score.

How to set values for professionalism components

Navigate to the Professional Components by clicking Components on the Professionalism management window.

2. Click the action button next to the component as shown below

3. Click on Values

4. Click on New in the Professionalism Component Values window

5. Complete the Professionalism Component Value window and click Add Value

Note: Values are not set for hours. Values clarify score type components only.

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