
What do the different practice test streaks mean?

What do the different practice test streaks mean?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 16 hours ago

1. Question Participation Streak

The question participation streak is the number of days in a row that you answered at least one practice question. This includes the daily question. Don't worry, weekends and holidays don't count!

āš ļø If you don't have school but it's not a holiday, you may still be required to answer at least one question that day to maintain your streak

2. Daily Question Correct Streak

The daily question correct streak is the number of daily questions you answered correctly in a row. Missing a day doesn't end this streak, but an incorrect answer does!

3. Click on My Winning Challenge Streak

The winning challenge streak is the number of challenges you've won in a row

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