
How do I use AI Suggest to start building my lesson plans?

How do I use AI Suggest to start my lesson plans?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 1 month ago

1. Navigate to the lesson plan you'd like to rewrite or create a new lesson plan to build one from scratch

2. Specify the lesson plan title and tasks assessed

Both the lesson plan title and at least one task assessed is required in order to generate from AI Suggest. These values help us determine the end goal for the lesson plan.

3. Click on the notification the pops up in the bottom left corner

4. Now you can review the suggestions for each section of the lesson plan

5. If you like the suggestion, click Use Suggestion

This will update all of the fields on the lesson plans with the suggested content. Note that this will overwrite anything that was previously written in those text boxes.

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