
How do I create a lesson plan?

This article tells how to create lesson plans and provides information about lesson plan features within the CTE - 360 system.

Allyson Sauter
Written by Allyson SauterLast update 24 days ago

To create a new lesson plan follow the steps below.

1. Click Lessons in the navigation menu

2. Click Lesson Plans in the expanded list

3. Click New in the Lesson Plans management window

4. A lesson plan template window will appear

Complete the template for the new lesson plan. The only field that is required to save the lesson plan is Lesson Plan Title. More information about the features and elements are explained below.

The lesson plan template includes the following elements and features:

  1. Manage Tags - Click this button to add tags to lesson plans which will help to filter lesson plans in multiple windows across the system

  2. Lesson Plan Title -Tittle of the lesson

  3. Task(s) Assessed - Career / industry related tasks can be listed here. Tasks that have been uploaded can be searched and added by tying keywords in this field

  4. Task - Generated Performance Objectives / Other Performance Objectives - Objectives can be typed here. If Performance Objectives have been aligned by criteria the associated objectives will populate based on the tasks entered in the pervious field. Any objectives that autogenerate can be removed if they are not relevant to the rest of the lesson plan. For more information on setting Performance Objectives reference the following article:

  5. State Standards / State Career Education & Work Standards Addressed - List standards here. If standards have been uploaded in the system typing key words will pull by related standards which can be selected

  6. Assets Used - Assets from the Asset Management system can be added here

  7. Math Components / Literacy Components - State instructional components can be added and managed here. An example of a Math / Literacy Component is a state provided "T - chart"

  8. Materials Used - List materials needed that may exist outside of Asset Management

  9. Lesson Introduction - Explain how the lesson will be introduced to students in this field

  10. Instructional Procedures - List procedures of the lesson

  11. Teaching Strategies Used - Specific teaching strategies can be added here. If teaching strategy programs are in use by your school (i.e. Max Teaching) they can be loaded into the system for selection in this field

  12. Student Activities / Procedures - Explain the procedures of the student throughout the lesson

  13. Accommodations / Adaptations - Provide information of how students with IEPs will be supported during the lesson here

  14. Formative Assessments - Explain how the students will be assessed throughout the lesson

  15. Summative Assessments - Explain how students will be assessed at the end of the learning experience to demonstrate task ability or skill mastery

  16. Weblinks / Attachments - Weblinks and Attachments can be managed by clicking the Manage button as shown below.

Once Manage is clicked a Weblinks Management window will appear. New weblinks can be added using the New button. The benefit of uploading links and attachments in the management window is that if a weblink or attachment needs to be edited the edited link or attachment will automatically be fixed in all lesson plans that use them. For example, if a video link is used in multiple lessons it will only need to be changed once in this window instead of being manually changed on every lesson plan.

17. Estimated hours to Complete - Record how long the lesson is estimated to take

5. Click Add Lesson Plan to save the lesson plan

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