
How do my students get assigned to the correct programs from my SIS integration?

Students and teachers get assigned to classes based on class enrollment rules.

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

In order to set up your SIS integration to assign students the correct classes in the application, you will need to set up class enrollment rules. To do this, you will need to change global settings where the SIS integration settings are defined. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to set up these rules.

  1. You will need to navigate to "Global Settings" under the "Settings" header of the navigation menu.

  2. Next, you will need to navigate to the "Integration" tab on the global settings page.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you define the class enrollment rules.

    In this table, you will be able to see what rules you already have set up to prevent making duplicated rules. Notice that some of these rules are based on the course name while others are based on the course number. You will be defining the prefixes/suffixes of how the courses in your SIS relate to the classes in this application.

  4. To create a new rule, click the new button at the top right of the table from the previous image.

  5. A window will pop up for you to define the specifics of your rule.

    Type: This allows you to determine whether the pattern we are matching will be at the beginning (Prefix) or end (Suffix) of the course field.
    Field: This is the field from the SIS that you will be trying to match your pattern on. For instance, if you have Name selected, it will look for the pattern in the name of the course.
    Pattern: This is the text that we will use to match a course field in your SIS to a particular Class in the application
    Class: This allows you to select the Class in our application that matching SIS courses will be assigned to.

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