
What is intelligent prefill on form fields?

What is intelligent prefill on form fields?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 22 days ago

Intelligent prefill uses the name of the field and automatically populates the most recent value that you inputted on any other completed form with a field of the same name. For instance, if you filled out a form and there was a field named "date-of-birth" which asked you for your date of birth, it would automatically populate that information on any other form you fill out with fields named "date-of-birth"

This is NOT a confidentiality concern because it will only prefill information that you have filled out based on your email address. So given the previous example, your date of birth would not populate for someone else's fields named "date-of-birth", only your own.

How do I turn off intelligent prefill for form fields?

To disabled intelligent prefill for a field, simply check the "Disabled Intelligent Prefill" checkbox in the form builder.

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