
How do I create a form template?

How to create a form template. Information about signers/order and how to use the form builder.

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 7 days ago

1. Navigate to the form template management screen

2. Since we're starting from scratch, click new to start creating a new template

3. Fill out the name

This is the name of the form that is viewable to all signers and is used to select the template as a requirement for modules in the app.

4. Upload a PDF file

Upload the PDF copy of the form template. If you only have the form as a Word Document, you can simply open it up and save it as a PDF.

Any form fields defined in Adobe will automatically be added to your form by default but you will still need to define the signers for those.

5. Filter down to Specific Pages

After choosing the PDF file, you'll see "Pages" appear. This is used to narrow down the PDF file to only use specific pages. For example, if you have a 20 page document and only need pages 4 through 6 and page 8, you would specify '4-6, 8' in the pages box and we will automatically manipulate the PDF file to only use those four pages.

6. Choose if the template is private

By checking this box, no one else will be able to make changes to your template other than the administrators of the instance.

7. Choose if the template is public

Public templates will have a link that anyone can submit the form even if they are not logged into the system. If a form is public, all signers must be static other than the first signer.

8. Choose a career cluster (optional)

Career clusters can be chosen if this template is specific to a particular career cluster

9. Choose a career pathway (optional)

Career pathways can be chosen if this template is specific to a particular career pathway. This field will only appear after a cluster is chosen.

10. Choose module availability

11. If your school has school selections turned on, choose the schools this template is available to

You can either choose to share it with all of your schools (if you have access) or choose the specific schools that you want to utilize the form.

12. Define your signers

Add the signers in the order that you'd like them to sign the document. We have numerous signer types:

  • Static Signer - This signer type is used if you have a specific person that you'd like to always sign this portion of the form. You'll specify their name and email here and it will automatically go to them on submission

  • Dynamic Signer - This type is used if you don't know who will be signing this portion yet. The submitted will be asked to fill out the name and email when the form is being submitted

  • Current User - This type will use the currently logged-in user as the signer for this portion of the form

  • Employer - You will be able to choose employer contacts that you have defined in the system

  • Guardian - You will be able to choose any guardians defined in the system

  • Event Invitee - Event invitee can be used for any forms related to events. This includes WBL events, advisory boards, etc.

  • Role - You can specify roles and change the members of the role. So you can define "Principal" and add the principal of the school as a member of that role. This is preferred over using a static signer in case the principal changes. If you have the principal as the signer for numerous form templates, you will only need to change the member of the principal once instead of changing it on every single template like you would if they were defined statically.

  • Sending School - You will choose any sending school accounts defined in the system.

  • Student - You will choose any student account defined in the system

  • Teacher - You will choose any teacher account defined in the system

  • WBL Coordinator - You will choose any WBL Coordinator account defined in the system

The available options for each signer type will vary depending on what kind of form you're submitting. For instance, if you submit a form for a WBL experience, we already know show the student is, who their teachers are, who their guardian is, etc so we will automatically filter down the options when you're about to submit a form.

13. Add any dynamic carbon copies

Here you can choose any of the signer types defined above that will receive a copy of the completed submission.

14. Choose any static carbon copy recipients

This is used if you have a specific person that wants to receive the final copy of every form submission that is completed

15. Define any progressions

Progressions are used if you have forms that aren't all filled out at once. For instance, lets say you have a form where only half gets completed at the beginning of the year and the rest gets done half way through the year. You would set up two progressions, "Beginning of Year" and "Midyear". When the form is submitted, you will specify when the dates of each. After the first progression is complete, the form will be completed but when the next date comes up, the form will be reopened for the remainder of the information to be filled out.

16. Choose the auto-cancel blank forms after

This is the number of days a form can sit untouched before it is automatically cancelled. If the form is signed by one or more signers but is still waiting on additional signers, it will not be auto-cancelled since there was form activity.

17. Choose stop reminders after

This will set how many days it takes before we stop sending out reminders to the signer.

18. Choose a reminder interval

The reminder interval specifies how often (in days) the signer should be reminded to sign the form

19. Fill out additional email notification text

Anything put in this box will be added to the email the signer receives when it's their turn to sign the form.

20. Choose if you'd like to file completed submissions to a student document

After checking this box, you will choose which student document you'd like this to be filed under. It will file the completed submission under any student that is a signer of the form.

21. Finally, save your new form template

22. Now choose the template you want to build and click the action button next to it

23. Click on Builder

24. At the top, you will be able to select any of the available field types to add to the document

We have numerous field types that are used for different purposes:

  • Signature - This is used to add the signature of the user. The signer will be able to fill it out with their finger or type their name and we will make a signature for them.

  • Sign Date - This will automatically prefill the current date when the signer is signing their portion of the form.

  • Attachment - This will give the signer the ability to attach a PDF file. Only PDF files are allowed to be attached.

  • Text - This is a general text box. You would want to use this for any field that the user inputs into including numbers, dates, times, and general text.

  • Dropdown - This will be a select box. You can make the selection populate from predefined information from the system or set it up with custom options. We will go over this later in the article.

  • Checkbox - This is used to make a check box on the form

  • Radio - This is similar to a check box but all radio fields that have the same name will be linked together so only one of the boxes can be selected. This is good for things like "choose yes or no"

  • Label - This field type is a little different than the rest. This field does not have a signer attached. This is strictly used for adding static text to the form submission. This can also be populated via prefill options such as "student name" or any other prefill option available.

25. After clicking a field type, click onto the form where you'd like it to be located

Once it's on the form, you can drag and drop it wherever you'd like and resize it by clicking and holding onto the bottom right of the field. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to bump the field a little bit at a time to precisely position the field.

When you click the field, it the background color will change indicating that it is selected. Selected fields are the ones that you will be changing the settings for in the right hand pane that we will take about in a couple steps.

26. Optionally, hold control on the keyboard and click another field to multi-select fields to manipulate settings for more than one field at a time

27. Change the type if you need to

If you added this field to the form as a text field and want to change it's type to a drop down, you can do that here.

28. Choose the signer

This is the person that will be filling out the information for this field.

29. Add a name

Names can be used to identify fields for reporting, they are also used for intelligent prefill which we will talk about in a few more steps. This is also used to link radio fields together.

30. Optionally set the width

If you'd like to fine tune the width (in pixels), you can change that value here. This is nice for multi-selecting fields that should all be the same size. Then when you change this value, all of your selected fields will have the same width.

31. Optionally set the height

If you'd like to fine tune the width (in pixels), you can change that value here. This is nice for multi-selecting fields that should all be the same size. Then when you change this value, all of your selected fields will have the same height.

32. Fill out any instructions

Instructions will show up as a tooltip to the signer to provide them with more information about how they are supposed to fill out the field. Some fields may not be 100% self-explanatory, this helps you make your form more user-friendly.

33. Choose any prefills

We have a plethora of prefill options available in the system. This will prefill information from the system directly onto a form submission and it will be related to specific information about the form. For instance, you can choose a student's name to be prefilled and it will prefill the only name of the student that is relevant based on the type of form that's being submitted.

34. Choose whether or not the field is required

If it's a radio button, only one of the linked radio buttons must be marked as required for at least one option of the radio group to be require selection.

35. Choose if you'd like to disable intelligent prefill

36. Specify if this field is used for the description of a submission

Some form submissions in the system have a description field on the table to make it easier to identify the form submission. If you'd like the contents of the field of the submission to be copied into the description, you would check this box. Again, this is just to make it easier to identify submissions of the same template.

37. Choose your text align preference

You can choose if you'd like the text to be left, center, or right aligned.

38. Choose your vertical align preference

You can choose if you'd like the text to be at the top of the box, the middle of the box, or the bottom of the box.

39. Choose the data type for this field

This is used to format the field as well as change the way the information is inputted

  • Calculation - This will let you specify a calculation based on other fields on the form using the other fields' names. When choosing "Calculation" a new option will show up directly under the "Data Type" where you can specify what the calculation is. You can use static numbers in the calculation equations as well. Here is an example equation for getting the average of 3 other fields in the system. These fields are named "field-1", "field-2", and "field-3". ({field-1}+{field-2}+{field-3})/3. Another option under the "data type" field will show up under this for round precision. So if you only want up to two decimal points, enter 2.

  • Date - This will change the field when the signer is filling out the information so they can only choose a date as a value. It will be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.

  • Decimal - This is used to allow numbers with decimals in the field only. Another option under the "data type" field will show up under this for round precision. So if you only want up to two decimal points, enter 2.

  • Text - This is the default data type for text fields. It allows any alphanumeric text.

  • Time - This will change the field when the signer is filling out the information so they can only choose a time as the value. It will be formatted as hh:mm am/pm.

  • Integer - This will change the field when the signer is filling out the information so they can only choose a number with no decimals.

40. Choose text formatting

You can choose to make the text proper case, uppercase, or lowercase. Upper and lower cases are self-explanatory but proper case may not be. Proper case will capitalize only the first letter of every word entered into the field.

41. When configuring drop down fields you will have two additional options. The first is Drop-Down Types

  • Classes - This will generate a drop-down with all of the classes you have in the system.

  • Courses - This will generate a drop-down with all of the courses you have in the system.

  • Ethnicity - This will generate a drop-down with the list of valid ethnicities in our system. This is best used for account provisioning.

  • Gender - This will generate a drop-down with the list of valid genders in our system. This is best used for account provisioning.

  • Industry Certifications - This will generate a drop-down with all of the industry certifications you have in the system.

  • Schools - This will generate a drop-down with all of the schools you have in the system.

  • Sending Schools - This will generate a drop-down with all of the sending schools you have in the system.

  • Skills - This will generate a drop-down with all of the skills that are part of the skill set assigned to a student's WBL experience. This prefill option will only work with WBL Experience forms.

  • Other - This will allow you to specify custom options. More information will be provided in the next step.

42. Choose custom Drop-Down Values

When you add the different values that you'd like to be available for this field, you will separate them using a pipe (|) character. For instance, if I want the options to be "one", "two", and "three", I would enter "one|two|three". You can get the pipe character by pressing "shift+\" on your keyboard.

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