How do I configure prefill options for form templates?
How do I configure prefill options for form templates?
You'll see an option named "prefill" when building your form templates. this will have a plethora of options so that you can prefill relevant data into form fields when a form is submitted. In this article we will go over all of the prefill options and how they work.
Signer Specific Prefills
Any prefill options prefixed with "(Signer)" are specific to the signer of the form. The prefill values will derive from the information specific to that signer type. These prefills vary based on the type of signer. Here are the prefills available for signer specific prefill options per type:
All Types
First Name
Last Name
Full Name
School Name
Company Name
Full Address
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Middle Name
Middle Initial
Grade Level
Graduation Year
SIS Student Number
SIS Username
State Student Number
Sending School Name
Career Cluster Code
Career Cluster
Career Pathway Code
Career Pathway
Applicant First Name - The first name specified from a student application to be used with a guardian consent form
Applicant Middle Name - The middle name specified from a student application to be used with a guardian consent form
Applicant Last Name - The last name specified from a student application to be used with a guardian consent form
Applicant Sending School - The sending school specified from a student application to be used with a guardian consent form
Custom Field Prefills
Any prefill options that are prefixed with "(Custom Field)" derive from form custom fields. These are custom fields defined for WBL Events and Experiences. If you prefill with custom field values, it will choose the custom field values for the specific event or experience record that the form submission is attached to.
Record Specific Prefills
Any prefill options that are prefixed with anything else in parenthesis (other than Custom Field and Signer) are prefilled based on records related to the form submission. You will notice that some of the record types match those of the signer types above. The difference between the two is that the record type doesn't have to be a signer of the form, just associated with the form submission (for instance, the employer of a WBL experience). Its also important to note that if there is more than one record associated, the prefill will not work because we don't make assumptions as to which record should be used (for instance, if a student has multiple guardians, we don't prefill guardian information). Here are the different options available for record specific prefills and how they relate to the submission.
Employers are linked to submissions when the form submission is attached to a record that pertains to an employer. An example of this is WBL Experiences. We also attempt to intelligently determine this if a student is linked to the submission and they have a WBL experience.
First Name
Last Name
Full Name
Company Name
Full Address
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Guardians are linked to a form submission any time there is a student attached to a submission. The Guardian will be the guardian of the student associated. See the student section for some examples of how students are linked to submissions.
School Name
First Name
Last Name
Full Name
Sending School Account
Sending school accounts are linked to the submission based on the student that is attached to it.
First Name
Last Name
Full Name
Students are attached to any records that are directly tied to a student such as WBL experiences, Career Plan Activities, etc.
School Name
First name
Last Name
Full Name
Middle Name
Middle Initial
Grade Level
Graduation Year
SIS Student Number
SIS Username
State Student Number
Sending School Name
Class Name
Class CIP Code
Career Cluster Code
Career Cluster
Career Pathway Code
Career Pathway
Typically teachers get attached to submissions based on the student's class's teachers
School Name
First name
Last Name
Full Name
WBL Coordinator
WBL Coordinators are determined based on the coordinator assigned to experiences.
School Name
First Name
Last Name
Full Name
WBL Experience
WBL Experiences are attached to the submission if the form is initiated from a WBL experience directly
Job Title
Start On
End On
Hourly Rate
Events are attached to forms if they are initiated from any calendar event including WBL events
Start On
Start Date
Start Time
End On
End Date
End Time
WBL Event
Any forms that are initiated on WBL event participants will be linked to that WBL event
Name (location name on the WBL event record)
Hours Awarded
WBL Type
Any forms that are initiated on WBL event participants or WBL experiences
Global Prefills
Global prefills are any options that are not prefixed by anything in parenthesis. These prefill options will be system-wide and will be the same regardless of what the form is attached to (WBL, General Forms, etc)
Current School Year
School Name
School Full Address
School Street
School City
School State
School Zip
School Phone Number
School Website
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