How do I change the current signer of a form?
How to change the current signer of a form.
Written by Allyson SauterLast update 3 months ago
1. Determine which type of form needs the signer changed in your list of active WBL experiences.
To learn more about the meanings of the status icons used in WBL reference the following article.
2. Click status icon to access the form
In this example, the In Progress icon was selected.
3. Click on the appropriate form type label and find the form that needs the signer changed.
In this example, we will be updating the Training Agreement submission.
4. Click the action buttons next to the form that needs the signer changed.
5. Click on Change Signers
6. Change the signer in the Change Signer window. Click Update Singers to save the change.
Once the change is saved, the new signer will be promoted to sign the form through an email link according to the signer workflow order.
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