How do I manage my courses?
This article will show you how to manage your courses and specify things like which grade levels it's offered, graduation requirement subjects, credits, prerequisites, CTE programs, etc. You can also see all of the sections assigned to each of the courses.
1. Navigate to the Course Management page
2. In the Course Management tab, you will see a list of all the courses from your SIS
3. Find the course you'd like to edit information for and click the action button
4. Click on Edit
5. Specify the name of the course
If this course is synced from the SIS, the name will be changed back when the SIS sync runs again.
6. Specify the code of the course
If this course is synced from the SIS, the code will be changed back when the SIS sync runs again.
7. Specify the number of credits the course is worth
We attempt to automatically get this based on the sections and enrollments for the course when syncing with the SIS
8. Choose any schools this course is specific to
Leave it blank if the course is used at all schools
9. Choose a requirement subject
It's important that you provide a requirement subject for your courses so that when your students do their course planning, it will calculate the credit requirements appropriately for each subject.
There may already be a requirement subject assigned to courses without you assigning them. We use AI to attempt to determine what the requirement subject should be to reduce the time it takes to configure courses for course planning. The requirement subjects we assign from AI are just a suggestion and should be reviewed before having students complete course plans.
10. Choose any CTE programs this course is related to
When this is set up, any students enrolled in this course will automatically be put into that program
11. Choose all of the grade levels the course is offered in
12. Choose any prerequisites for this course
13. Click on Save Changes
14. If you'd like to view all of the sections for a course, click the action button for the course
15. Click on Sections
16. This will bring up a window with all of the sections
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