How do I align my courses to CTE programs?
How do I align my courses to CTE programs?
By aligning your courses with CTE programs, students can be automatically assigned to the correct programs during the SIS sync based on their enrollments. This allows the system to manage program assignments, adding or removing students as needed, without manual intervention. There are two methods to set this up: you can manually link programs to your courses, or use patterns to automate the process. In this article, we’ll walk you through both options.
1. Navigate to the Course Management module
2. Find the course you'd like to align with a program
3. Click on the action button
4. Click on Edit
5. Choose the programs this course relates to
6. Click on Save Changes
7. The second option is to align courses to programs using patterns, start by clicking the "Program Alignment Rules" button
8. You will see a list of all of the patterns that are already set up in the system
9. Click on New to add a new one
10. Choose a type
There are a few options here:
Prefix - This means the pattern we will specify in step 12 must be found at the beginning of the course name/number
Suffix - This means the pattern we will specify in step 12 must be found at the end of the course name/number
Contains - This means the pattern we will specify in step 12 must be found at any spot in the course name/number
Exact Match - This means the pattern we will specify in step 12 must be exactly the same as the course name/number
11. Choose the field
There are two options:
Number - Try to match the pattern on the course number
Name - Try to match the pattern on the course name
12. Specify the pattern
This is the pattern we will be searching for in the course name/number
13. Choose the programs this pattern should add to any courses it matches with
14. Click on Add Rule
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