Who receives email notifications regarding career planning activities?
Who receives email notifications regarding career planning activities?
Email Notifications
Activity Needs Completed- When an activity is created, the student will get a notification as to when the activity is due by.
Activity Reminder- 30 days before an activity is due, an email reminder will go out to the student to remind them to complete it.
Activity Sent for Approval - If an activity is completed but requires approval, an alert is sent to the student to let them know their counselor needs to approve the activity.
Activity Needs Approval - If an activity is completed but requires approval, an alert is sent to the student's counselor to let them know that the activity needs to be approved.
Activity is now Complete - If an activity is completed and does not require approval, the student will receive an alert is sent to the student
Activity Rejected - When a counselor rejects a student's activity, the student gets an alert that the activity was rejected
Activity Approved - When a counselor approves a student's activity, the student gets an alert that the activity was approved
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