What are the different activity types and how are the different career plan activity types marked as complete?
What are the different activity types and how are the different career plan activity types marked as complete?
Aptitude Exploration Completion
Completion is evaluated when the aptitude exploration activity is completed
Award and Honor Membership Count
Completion is evaluated when award/honor recipients are created and edited
The number of times the student was a recipient must be greater than or equal to the recipient count required by the activity.
Best Work Count
Completion is evaluated when portfolio best works are created and deleted
The number of best works must be greater than or equal to the best work count required by the activity.
College Application Count
Completion is evaluated when colleges are marked as applied to
College Review Count
Completion is evaluated when colleges are reviewed by the student
College Suggestion Completion
Completion is evaluated when college suggestion filters are applied
Cover Letter Uploaded
Completion is evaluated when a cover letter attachment is uploaded
CTSO and Club Membership Count
Completion is evaluated when CTSO/club members are created and edited
The number of memberships must be greater than or equal to the memberships count required by the activity.
Favorite College Count
Completion is evaluated when colleges are favorited
Favorite Occupation Count
Completion is evaluated when an occupation is favorited
The number of favorited occupations must be greater than or equal to the favorite count required by the activity.
Completion is evaluated when a form is started, completed, or cancelled
The form type completed must match the form type defined by the activity
Free Text
When the student fills out the free text box and clicks Save & Submit, the activity is marked as complete
Industry Certification Count
Completion is evaluated when an industry certification is added to the system
The number of industry certifications completed must match the industry certification completion count defined by the activity
Industry Certification Points
Completion is evaluated when an industry certification is added to the system
The number of industry certification points completed must match the industry certification completion point count defined by the activity
Interest Exploration Completion
Completion is evaluated when the interest exploration activity is completed
Job Application Count
Completion is evaluated when a job application attachment is uploaded to the portfolio
The number of job applications uploaded must by greater than or equal to the number of job applications required by the activity
Personal Website Entered
Completion is evaluated when a portfolio is saved
Portfolio Introduction Complete
Completion is evaluated when a portfolio is saved
Portfolio Reference Count
Completion is evaluated when portfolio references are created and deleted
The number of references must be greater than or equal to the reference count required by the activity.
Practice Test Daily Question Count
Completion is evaluated when a practice test question is answered
The number of daily questions answered must be greater than or equal to the daily questions answered count required by the activity.
Practice Test Question Count
Completion is evaluated when a practice test question is answered
The number of questions answered must be greater than or equal to the questions answered count required by the activity.
Recommendation Count
Completion is evaluated when a letter of recommendation attachment is uploaded to the portfolio
The number of recommendations uploaded must by greater than or equal to the number of recommendations required by the activity
Resume Uploaded
Completion is evaluated when a resume attachment is uploaded
School Task Completion Percentage
Completion is evaluated when task scores are updated and when task score proposals are approved
The percentage of completion of the school task list must be greater than or equal to the percentage required by the activity.
Skill Set Completion
Completion is evaluated when a skill is marked as complete from submission or directly in the WBL Module
The skill set completion percentage must be greater than or equal to the percentage required by the activity
Specific Industry Certification
Completion is evaluated when an industry certification is added to the system
The industry certification completed must match the industry certification type defined by the activity
State Task Completion Percentage
Completion is evaluated when task scores are updated and when task score proposals are approved
The percentage of completion of the state task list must be greater than or equal to the percentage required by the activity.
Task Completion
Completion is evaluated when task scores are updated and when task score proposals are approved
All of the tasks specified on the activity must be a passing grade
Note, if the task is not on the student's task list, it will not be able to detect the completion of the task. To verify the task is on their task lists, you can navigate to their profile and look at the PDF version of the task list.
When the student uploads the file and submits it, that will mark the activity as complete.
WBL Experience Count
Completion is evaluated when a WBL Experience is marked as complete, when event invitee is marked as present, when WBL project hours are entered, and when WBL project hours are approved
Regardless of how many days the student have hours logged for a WBL project, each project accounts for a single count.
The number of WBL experiences of the specified type must be greater than or equal to the count required by the activity
WBL Experience Hours
Completion is evaluated when a work log is approved, a pay stub is approved, an event invitee is marked as present, WBL project hours are entered, WBL project hours are approved, and when work logs are approved via form completion
The number of hours for the specified type must be greater than or equal to the hours required by the activity.
When calculating the hours, we get the total hour count using work logs and pay stubs and use the greatest hour count (for example, if there are more pay stub hours than work log hours, we use the pay stub value and vice versa). Then, that total is added to the event hours and project hours to get a grand total.
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