
How do I give a user/counselor access to career planning?

How do I give a user/counselor access to career planning?

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 27 days ago

There are a few different levels of access that can be granted to users needing to access the career planning module. We will explain all of the options in this article.

1. Navigate to the Staff or Teacher management view

The roles available for each of these user types (staff or teacher) may vary but the roles for career planning are available for both types.

2. Click on the action button of the user you'd like to give access to

3. Click on edit in the actions dropdown

4. Counselor role type

The counselor role is used to give a user access to only the students that they mentor in the career planning module. They will not be able to manipulate activities for students that they do not mentor.

Giving a user this role also makes them available as a mentor in the mentor drop-down when editing student records.

5. Career Planning Full Access

The career planning full access role gives the user full access to all students in career planning. They will only be able to see students from schools/classes they have access to. They will be able to manipulate activities for students even if they are not the mentor of the students. Users with this role will also be able to update settings pertaining to the career planning module such as activity management and general settings.

6. Career Planning View Only

The career planning full access role gives the user view-only access to all students in career planning. They will only be able to see students from schools/classes they have access to. This role will not allow the user to manipulate any activities assigned to students or change career planning settings.

7. Click on Save Changes

After choosing the user roles you'd like the user to have, click save to confirm your selections.

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