
What are audit evidence types?

What are audit evidence types and how to use them.

Cam Kolick
Written by Cam KolickLast update 26 days ago

What is it for?

Audit evidence types are used to help you organize your documents for audits. When you add a document from the archive to an audit, it will only show documents that were uploaded with that type.

Audit evidence fulfillment on each type allows you to streamline the process of attaching files to an audit. If you specify that a particular type fulfills 5 different audit descriptors, you will have the opportunity to check all of the audit descriptors that apply when adding the evidence. This way you don't have to redo the process over and over again for each audit descriptor.

How to use it?

Creating a new audit evidence type

To create a new audit evidence type, start by clicking the "New" button in the top right of the Audit Evidence Types page. The first thing you will want to do is specify a name for the type. This will be used to look up the type when uploading documents or creating audit descriptors. Next, you will want to choose a type. Most commonly, you will be choosing "upload" here which allows any PDF to be uploaded. The other types will allow you to dynamically attach PDF files to the audit from other parts of the system. For instance, if the audit evidence type is for "POS Task List", you can choose "POS Task List" as the type which will allow you to choose a student and the system will put their task list on the audit for you automatically. Finally, you choose all of the audit descriptors that could potentially be fulfilled by this type. As stated above, these descriptors will show up as a list of checkboxes when uploading a document. This allows you to attach a document to a bunch of descriptors all at once. If you don't have any descriptors defined yet, that is fine. You can add evidence types to the descriptors when you create them.

Editing and deleting audit evidence types

You can edit or delete a record by clicking on the action button for the record you'd like to modify. NOTE: you cannot edit system generated types. System generated types are created by starting an audit from a template rather than creating it manually.

Best Practices

Broaden Types

By creating types that are broad enough to cover multiple audit descriptors, you will be able to complete forms quickly by attaching a document to many descriptors at once. For instance, having a type named "Rubric" would be better than having "Math Rubric" or "Literacy Rubric" since the more general term will likely cover more descriptors than the more specific ones.

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