
How are Custom Fields used for Asset Management?

This article shows how custom fields are made and used for asset management.

Allyson Sauter
Written by Allyson SauterLast update 3 months ago

Custom Fields allow you to configure and customize the information recorded about products and items in the Asset Management system. Custom Fields can be assigned to types of products, items, or globally. Custom fields can be added to reports generated from the Reporting tab of Asset Management.

To create custom fields follow the steps below.

1. Click on Asset Management in the navigation menu

2. Click on Settings

3. Click on Custom Fields

4. Click on New

Any existing Custom Fields will appear in the list. Existing Custom Fields can be edited using the action buttons next to the custom field in the list.

5. Complete the information in the window and click Add Custom Field to save.

Name - Enter the name of the custom field

Data Type - Select the data type from the drop-down menu. This is the data type acceptable as a value for the data field. For example, if the custom field is product length, select "Length (in, ft, mi, etc.)"

Applicable To - Determine whether this field will be seen on the product level or the item level by selecting Product or Item from the drop-down

Required - Check the box if you would like for completing the custom field to be required when entering new products or items

Global - Check the box if the custom field is set to appear to all products. For example, you may want to record a Funding Source all products or items. Note: if you select Global, you will not select specific product types. The Product Types field will disappear from the window.

Product Types - Select the product types in which this custom field will appear. Start to type a product type and your lists will appear. Click on the product type that you wish to add to the box.

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