
How do I add and manage articulation agreements?

This article is all about how to add and manage articulation agreements

Allyson Sauter
Written by Allyson SauterLast update 3 months ago

Articulation agreements can be stored and managed within the application. To add and manage articulation agreements follow the steps below.

1. Click Careers in the navigation menu

2. Click Articulation in the expanded list

3. Click New in the upper right corner of the Articulation Agreements window to add a new agreement to the application

Existing agreements can be edited using the action buttons next to agreement in the list.

4. Complete the required information in the Articulation Agreement window and click Add Articulation Agreement to save

Note: The (*) signals a required field

Post Secondary Partner* - In this required field, type the name of the college or technical school partner in the agreement.

Program*- In this required field, use the drop-down to select the related program for your institution for which the agreement will be associated.

Course Name* - In this required field, provide the name of the course.

Course Credits - Provide the number of credits that will be earned for the course as per the articulation agreement.

Starts On/Ends On - Provide a start and end date fore the agreement/course.

Attachments - A pdf of the agreement can be added here.

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