Articles on: Audits

How do I submit and view requested audit evidence?

What is it for?

The requested audit evidence page is for users to see what documents administrators have requested from them. When an administrator requests a document from the audit screen, it will show up in this table for anyone that could potentially provide that evidence.

How to use it?

Submitting requested evidence

First, take note of the instructions before submitting so you know what administration needs from you. To submit evidence, you will click on the action button and click submit. Here, you will be able to upload a document. In some instances, you will have the option to select an item in the system to be used as evidence. For instance, if they are requesting a lesson plan, you will simply select a lesson plan instead of having to upload a PDF file.

I have no items in the table

Congratulations! Either no one has requested anything from you or you have provided everything that was needed.

Where does my document go after submitting it?

After submitting a requested document, it will go back to the person who requested it to be approved.

Updated on: 09/09/2022

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