Articles on: Integrations

How do I extend my enrollment end dates into the summer at the end of the school year?

There are a lot of cases where you'd need to extend your end of year enrollments into the summer to finalize grades, or even perform summer WBL experiences.

1. Navigate to the global settings page

2. Click on the Integration tab

3. Click on the action button next to the SIS integration you'd like to extend enrollment end dates for

4. Click on Edit

5. Specify the Enrollment Extension Start Month and Day

Any enrollment with an end date that is before August but after this month and date will be extended to the date that we will specify in the next step.

6. Specify the Enrollment Extension Month and Day

This is the month/day that the enrollment will be extended to. So in this example, any enrollment beyond May 1st and before August will be set to July 31st. So if an end date, for example, is 6/5/2024, the end date will be overridden to 7/31/2024.

7. Click on Save Changes

Updated on: 21/06/2024

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