Articles on: Work-Based Learning

How do I choose which Work-Based Learning (WBL) Types to use?

Comparison of WBL Types

Since there are a few different WBL types to choose from, you may be wondering which type should be used for what you're trying to track. This comparison table will allow you to narrow down which type may be applicable to what you're trying to track.

Done as a GroupNoYesYes
Enrollment FormsYesYesYes
Recurring FormsYesNoNo
Completion FormsYesYesNo
As-Needed FormsYesNoYes
Student DocumentsYesNoNo
Employer DocumentsYesNoNo
Student-Reported HoursYesNoComing Soon
Tied to an EmployerYesSometimesPossibly Coming Soon
On-Site VisitsYesNoNo
Registration QRNoYesNo
Attendance QRNoYesNo
Work LogsYesNoNo
Pay StubsYesNoNo

Updated on: 07/02/2024

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