Articles on: Follow-Up Study

How can I run a summary report on Follow-Up Study information to get matching/deviation information?

1. Navigate to the reports page

2. Click on the WBL Tab

3. Click on Follow-Up Study Deviation

4. Choose the graduation year you'd like to run the report for

5. Click on Generate

6. Once complete, click the action button and download the report

7. Report Data

The following columns will be on the report.

Pre-Graduation Question - The question text on the pre-graduation questionnaire

Post-Graduation Question - The question text on the post-graduation questionnaire

Pre-Graduation Answer Only - The count of students who answered the pre-graduation question but did not answer the post-graduation question

Post-Graduation Answer Only - The count of students who answered the post-graduation question but did not answer the pre-graduation question

Both Answered Count - The number of students who answered both the pre and post graduation questions

Matching Count - The number of students who answered both questions and they answered the questions the same

Matching Percentage - The percentage of students who answered both questions the same out of all the students who answered both questions

Deviation Count - The number of students who answered both questions and they answered the questions differently

Deviation Percentage - The percentage of students who answered both questions differently out of all the students who answered both questions

Updated on: 11/03/2024

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