Articles on: Users and Groups

Can my student enrollments be imported?

If you have a SIS sync set up with us, we can also sync the enrollments of your students! In order to do this, we create SIS Course Class Alignment Rules. These rules can match your existing SIS Courses to a CTE Program or Class in JobreadyWBL or CTE-360 based on the course name or the course number. Below is a template containing exactly what we need when creating these rules for you during your onboarding.

Download the Template

Column NameDescriptionRequired?
CIP CodeClassification of Instructional ProgramsNo
CTE Program Name (Local Name)This is the CTE Program / Class that students will be enrolled in in JobreadyWBL / CTE-360Yes
SIS Course NumberThe course number exactly as it appears in your SISYes
SIS Course NameThe course name exactly as it appears in your SISYes

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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