How do I hold an Advisory Board meeting?
1. Navigate to the Advisory Boards Page
2. Click on the Action Button (...) for the meeting you wish to start
3. Click on Start Activity
4. Click on Call To Order
5. Take Attendance and navigate through your Agenda Items on the left
6. Taking Notes
If you want to add a note to a topic, click the Note Speech Bubble in the upper right corner
7. Type in your note
8. Click on Submit
9. Ending the meeting
Once you're finished going through the Agenda Items and taking notes, click on the home button in the upper left corner
10. Click on Adjourn & Close the Tab
11. Building Meeting Minutes
Click on "Needs Submitted" under Minutes to begin building your meeting minutes
12. Referencing Notes
Your notes can be found for reference on the left side. You can copy/paste them or enter text manually using the notes as guidance
13. Marking off Agenda Items
Mark the appropriate box for each agenda item from the meeting.
14. Elaborate on the Agenda Item
Once you select the appropriate box for your agenda item, you can add more details on what was reviewed, what was discussed, or details on the action taken in the second box.
15. Click on Submit for Signatures
Once everything is filled out, you can submit your minutes for signature.
Updated on: 16/08/2024
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